Like most buyers, you probably only think of an inspection after your offer has been accepted on your dream house or condo. But, believe it or not, it’s prudent to complete an entire examination of your home by a licensed inspector every 5-10 years. Why? Because they know the ever-changing safety issues and can often find problems that might be hidden from your view. In addition, fixing a problem when it is minor is a lot less costly and can give you peace of mind that your house is in good condition if you are suddenly faced with selling it.
In between inspections, always visually inspect the three items listed below and plan to take care of them right away.
3 Items That Require Immediate Attention
When you see these problems in your home inspections, please take care of them right away:
Ceiling Discoloration Continue to look up at your ceilings, and if you notice yellow stains or discoloration, you might have one or more of the following going on:
Plumbing leaks from the upstairs bathrooms
Roof leaks
Excessive humidity from faulty bathroom fans or not being adequately vented to the outside
Rodent waste from them living in the attic
Once you find the source, an experienced handyman, roofer, or plumber should be able to fix the problem.
Cracks in the Walls or Ceiling Cracks near windows, doors, ceilings, or walls can hint at significant structural damage in the foundation. You will need to contact a foundation expert to assess what remedial action needs to occur. It is also wise to check with the city or village engineering department to determine if your property is close to wetlands and the soil quality around your foundation.
Sags in the Floor If you see sags or soft spots on the floor, it can mean the floor and joists are weak. If it is a carpeted area, pull back the carpeting to determine the extent of the damage. Then, hire a licensed carpenter or handyman to repair the area to stop any further damage.
What to Ask Your Inspector
In addition to completing their general home inspections, ask them to check the following:
Cross-connections If you have purchased a new dishwasher or washing machine in the last few years, sometimes the hot and cold-water lines can be crossed by the installers. In addition, sometimes the water and waste lines are crossed, potentially bringing bacteria into your water supply. Ask your inspector to double-check all these connectors to ensure they are in the correct positions.
Electrical, Plumbing and HVAC standards If you bought your home several years ago, your electrical box and outlets might be out of date. In addition, plumbing and HVAC standards change over the years. They will let you know what you need to do to bring it up to standard.
Decks If you have added a deck since your initial home inspection, ask the inspector to look at the connection point into the house. Then, have them look underneath the deck to see if it has proper draining. Also, have them inspect the stairs to ensure they have the appropriate distance between the steps and the guardrails.
Stairs Have them check the height between steps to ensure they are the proper distance, guard and handrails are installed, and they are very secure.
A licensed inspector will be able to identify the items that need attention in your home, some of which you may be surprised they uncover. They can help you prioritize the things that need attention so you can plan your budget appropriately.
Integrity Home Evaluation Services Provides Home Inspections
Please contact us at 330-815-0013 if you have questions. Then, when you are ready, please Schedule Your Inspection with us!